Srekar needs to increase the size of the prism below by 2 inches on each side. The original prism has a length of 3, a depth of 2, and a height of 1. can somebedy help me on this asap, pleeease

Answer: a bStep-by-step explanation:The options as obtained from the internet.- the new prism will have a length of 5- the new prism will have a depth of 4- the new prism will have a height of 2- the volume will increase by 6 and each of the 3 dimensions is increased by 2.- srekar could increase the volume by the same amount by just adding 6 to the height instead of 2 to each sideThe volume of a rectangular prism is (length × depth × height)Originally, length = 3 inchesDepth = 2 inchesHeight = 1 inchOriginal volume = 3×2×1 = 6 in³Then, Sreka adds 2 inches to each of the dimensions,New length = 3+2 = 5 inchesNew depth = 2+2 = 4 inchesNew height = 1+2 = 3 inchesNew volume = (5×4×3) = 60 in³Taking each of the statements one at a timeStatement 1the new prism will have a length of 5True!Statement 2the new prism will have a depth of 4True!Statement 3the new prism will have a height of 2False! New height = 3 inchesStatement 4the volume will increase by 6 and each of the 3 dimensions is increased by 2.This is false. The volume increased to 10 folds of its original volume.Statement 5srekar could increase the volume by the same amount by just adding 6 to the height instead of 2 to each sideAdding 6 inches to the height,New height = 1+6 = 7 inchesNew volume = 3×2×7 = 42 in³This statement is false as the new volume from adding 2 inches to each side is 60 in³Hope this Helps!!!
general 6 months ago 3880