Line segment BD passes through the center of circle C, BH = a, and HD = 8. Circle C is shown. Chords B D and F G intersect at point H. Chord B D goes through center point C. The length of B H is a, the length of H D is 8, the length of F H is 6, and the length of H G is 6. Angle B H G is a right angle.What is the length of the diameter?4.5 units8 units12 units12.5 units

Answer:12.5 units Step-by-step explanation:if the line down the center is 8 and the diameter is in the middle then both those sides need to be 8 and so the 6's on both sides of the diameter have to stay the same but they only change a little for 6+6 is 12 but the length gets longer since it moved farther down answer D 12.5
geometry 6 months ago 8889