Westside High’s 2015 senior-class science enrollment is summarized by the Venn diagram. Chemistry, biology, and physics class enrollments are denoted by the sets C, B, an P, respectively.How many students are in the 2015 senior class?How many students are taking chemistry and biology, but not physics?How many students are not taking science?

Answer:a)63 studentsb)5 studentsc)18 studentsStep-by-step explanation:The Venn diagram could be represented in table form as:    Subjects                                       Number of studentsOnly chemistry                                          9Only Biology                                              11Only Physics                                               7 Biology+Chemistry  not Physics               5Only Biology+Physics not Chemistry         4Only Physics+Chemistry not Biology         6All three                                                        3None of the three                                        18 Total                                                            63      Clearly from the table we could observe that the total number of students that are in the senior class is the grand total of the table of values.       i.e. Total number of students=63.Also, the number of students taking chemistry and biology, but not physics are:7.Number of students not taking science are the students that takes none of biology, chemistry and Physics i.e. the region outside the circle i.e. 18 students.            
general 6 months ago 3293