What is the difference in minutes between the shortest collection times before and after the well was installed?

Answer:The difference in minutes between the shortest collection times before and after the well was installed = 20 minutes.Step-by-step explanation:The image of the box and whiskers plot for the collection times before and after the well was installed is presented in the attached image to this questionNote that the lowest value for a distribution is denoted as the beginning of the whiskers for a box and whiskers plot.The question asks us to take the difference in minutes between the shortest collection times before and after the well was installed.From the box and whiskers plot, The shortest collection time before well installation = 45 minutes.The shortest collection time after well installation = 25 minutes.The difference in minutes between the shortest collection times before and after the well was installed = 45 - 25 = 20 minutes.Hope this Helps!!!
general 6 months ago 7613