What is the sum of two numbers is 32 and their quotient is 3 what is the answer?

Answer:The numbers are 24 and 8.Step-by-step explanation:1. Let´s name the numbers as follows:x=first numbery=second number2. As the sum of the two numbers is 32, you have the first equation:[tex]x+y=32[/tex] (Eq.1)3. As the quotient of the two numbers is 3, you have the second equation:[tex]\frac{x}{y}=3[/tex] (Eq.2)4. Solving for x on Eq.2:[tex]x=3y (Eq.3)[/tex]5. Replacing Eq.3 in Eq.1:[tex]3y+y=32\\4y=32\\y=\frac{32}{4}\\y=8[/tex]6. Replacing the value of y in Eq.3:[tex]x=3(8)\\x=24[/tex]Therefore the numbers are 24 and 8.
general 6 months ago 1525