Which correlation is most likely a causation? A the positive correlation between the number of pet toys in a home and the number of appointments the homeowners makes with a veterinarian B the negative correlation between the price of movie tickets and the number of ticket sales at a theater C the positive correlation between the sales of air conditioners and the sales of bathing suits in a store D the negative correlation between the sales of sleeping bags and the sales of paint brushes in a store

Answer:Option B is rightStep-by-step explanation:Let us study one by one optionsA) The number of pet toys in a home and number of appointments the homeowners makes with a veterinarian are two irrelevant things obviously.  Toys are for playing and pet animals are for veterinarians.  Hence this option is wrongB) When price of movie tickets reduce the number of ticket sales would increase. This is because when price decreases demand increases and vice versa. Hence there is a negative correlation between the price of movie tickets and the number of ticket sales at a theater.This is the only correct optionC) Air conditioners are in way relevant for the number of bathing suits in a store .  Hence wrong optionD) Sleeping bags and paint brushes are two different requirements and cannot seem to have an negative correlation
general 6 months ago 2662