Which function increases by 1/3 every time the x-increases by 1? A) y = 3x B) y = 3x + 1 C) y = (1/3)x D) y = 1/3x + 1

Answer:C) y = (1/3)x  D) y = 1/3x + 1Step-by-step explanation:One simple method to evaluate this question is by inserting the values of x in the options:A) If x =1y = 3*(1) = 3for x =2y = 3*(2) = 6=> Value of function is increasing by the factor 3, so option is wrong.B) If x =1y = 3*(1) +1 = 4for x =2y = 3*(2) + 1 = 7=> Value of function is increasing by the factor 3, so option is wrong.C) If x =1y = (1/3)*(1) = 1/3for x =2y = (1/3)*(2) = 2/3for x =3y = (1/3)*(3) = 3/3 = 1=> Value of function is increasing by the factor 1/3, so option is correct.D) If x =1y = (1/3)*(1) + 1 = 4/3for x =2y = (1/3)*(2) + 1 = 5/3for x =3y = (1/3)*(3) +1 = 3/3 + 1  = 2=> Value of function is increasing by the factor 1/3, so option is also correct.
general 6 months ago 1390