Which is the graph of y = ⌊x⌋ – 2?

Answer:The function y = ⌊x⌋ is called the "greatest integer value" function. it works as follows: the input is any number x, the output is the greatest   integer smaller or equal to x. For example: ⌊0.1⌋=0 ⌊0.26⌋=0 ⌊0.4678⌋=0 ⌊0.8989⌋=0 ⌊0.999⌋=0 ⌊1⌋=0 ⌊1.0001⌋=1 so, the value of ⌊x⌋, for the entire interval (0, 1] is 0. Similarly,   the value of ⌊x⌋, for the entire interval (1, 2] is 1.   and so on,   thus the graph of  y = ⌊x⌋ is as shown in picture 1 the graph of   y = ⌊x⌋ – 2   is the graph of   y = ⌊x⌋   shifted 2 units down. check picture 2.
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