Will give brainliest and 5 stars#1The following circle graph represents first-quarter absences of Washington Middle School students. If 96 students had two or more absences, how many students had one absence? [Type your answer as a number.]#2 The following circle graph represents first-quarter absences of Washington Middle School students. If 96 students had two or more absences, how many students had three or more absences? [Type your answer as a number.]

First, find what percentage of students had 3 or more by adding up your known percents:

45% + 23 % + 21% + x% = 100%
x = 11%

Since you're given that 96 students had 2 or more, you add up the percentages of 2 and 3 or more:

11 + 21 = 32%

Now set up a proportion that relates it to the whole:

[tex] \frac{96 students}{32 percent} = \frac{x students}{100 percent} [/tex]

This will allow you to find the total number of students at the school.

Cross multiplying and solving for x results in 300 total students.

Question 1:
45% had one or more absences. 45% of 300 students is 135 students.

Question 2:
As we found before, 11% of students had three or more. 11% of 300 is 33 students.
general 6 months ago 9365