Will give brainliestt A survey was taken of 36 people to see if they owned a car and/or a truck. The results are shown in the Venn diagram.Enter your answers in the boxes to complete the two-way table based on the given data.

From Venn diagram, we can see that

4 own both car and truck.

15 own car exclusively.

9 own truck exclusively.

So now there are 36 people in total so that would be 36 - 15 - 4 - 9 = 8 people who do not own anything

So far we have
4    9   _
15  8   _
_    _   _

Now we just need to fill in remaining blanks

We know that there are 4 + 9 = 13 people who owns truck regardless of car

Also there are 15 + 8 = 23 people who does not own trucks regardless of car

Now 13 + 23 = 36 so math checks.

Now for car, we can see that there are 4 + 15 = 19 people who owns car regardless of trucks

Now there are 9 + 8 = 17 people who does not own car regardless of trucks.

19 + 17 = 36 so math checks again.

So table should look like this:

4     9    13
15   8    23
19   17  36
general 6 months ago 3192