Write the fraction 8/9 as a percent. Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent where necessary. 0.8889 0.0113 0.4444 0.6667 2.Write the decimal 0.041 as a percent 0.41 0.041 4.1 0.0041 3.A survey at your school found that 792 in 1,220 students have a cell phone. what percent of the students in have a cell phone? round to the nearest hundredth where necessary 0.0649 0.5404 64.92%*** 0.792 4.Write the percent 23.44% as a decimal 2344 234.4 2.344 0.2344*** 5.Chris and five of his friends go out to dinner. The total bill comes to $124.29. They decide to leave a 20% tip. Each person will contribute an equal amount to the total tip. Estimate what each person should contribute. a$29.00 b$21.00 c$5.00 $4.15*** 6.Use a proportion to solve the problem 31% of 70 x/100 = 31/70; 43.66 x/71 = 31/100; 22.01 x/31 = 71/100; 0.22 71/x = 31/100; 229.03 ^^ I don't understand this one :// especially since 31% of 70 is 21.7 7.39 is what percent of 156? x/100 = 39/156; 25% x/100

1. 0.8889
2. 4.1%
3. 64.92%
4. 0.2344
5. a
6. 31/100 = x/70; 21.7
7. 7.39/156 = 4.7%

general 6 months ago 7351