Write the slope-intercept form of the given line. Include your work in your final answer. Type your answer in the box provided or use the upload option to submit your solution.

(Is it this one?)

y = mx + b 
m is the slope and b is the y intercept.

The line is passing through the y-axis at 1, so you know b will be 1.

To find the slope, look at the line and see where it touches the corners of the squares perfectly. It touches them perfectly at (0, 1) and (3, 0). Use the slope formula to find the slope: [tex] \frac{x2 - x1}{y2 - y1} [/tex].

[tex] \frac{x2 - x1}{y2 - y1} [/tex] ⇒ [tex] \frac{0 - 1}{3 - 0} [/tex] = [tex] \frac{-1}{3} [/tex]

The slope is -1/3.
Now you know that m is -1/3.

Plug the slope & y intercept into the equation: y = mx + b

y = -1/3x + 1 is the slope-intercept form of the line.
general 6 months ago 3354