Arrange the equations in the correct sequence to rewrite the formula for displacement,d = 1/2 (v0 + v) to find v0. In the formula, d is displacement, v0 is the initial velocity, v is the final velocity, and t is the time. 2d/t = v0 + vv0 = 2d/t + v2d = (v0 + v)t2t/d = v0 + vv0 = 2d/t - vSequence: 1↓2↓3

From the given formula d = 1/2 (v0 + v)(t): I assume there must be a t, otherwise the formula is inconsistent dimensionally.
1. We multiply both sides by 2:
2d = (v0 + v)(t) - this is the 3rd choice
2. Divide both sides by t:
2d/t = v0 + v - this is the 1st choice
3. Subtract v from both sides:
2d/t - v = v0
v0 = 2d/t - v - this is the 5th equation
general 6 months ago 5356