You budget $2400 for contstructing a rectangular enclosure that consists of a high surrounding fence and a lower inside fence that divides the enclosure in half. the high fence costs $8 per foot, and the low fence costs $4 per foot. find the dimensions and the maximum area of each half of the enclosure.

The dimensions of the rectangular enclosure are 60 feet and 75 feet and the maximum area of each half of the enclosure is 2250 feet².How to calculate the dimensions?From the information given, the cost of the higher fence is represented as:= 8(2w + 2l) = 16w + 16lThe cost of the lower fence will be 4w.The relationship between the length and width will be illustrated thus:2400 = 16w + 16l + 4l2400 = 20l + 16wDivide through by 4600 = 4l + 5wExpress l in terms of the width.l = 150 - 1.25wThe area will be:= (150 - 1.25w) × w= 150w - 1.25w²The maximum area will be where the vertex of the parabola is. They are w1 = 0 and w2 = 120.The width of the fence is 60 feet. The length will be:= 1/4(600 - 5 × 60)= 75 feetThe area of the lower fence will be:= 1/2 × 60 × 75= 2250 feet²Learn more about dimensions on:
general 6 months ago 5079