Dennis and Christine scored 32 and 23, respectively in the National Achievement Test. The determining factor for a college scholarship is that a student’s score should be in the top 10% of the scores of his/her graduating class. The students in the graduating class obtained the following scores. Find the 3cd quartile, 8th decile and the percentile rank of 25. D_879.2 Q_774.25 8n Third Quattlebeginpmatrix Q_3endpmatrix Decile Percentile Rank of 25 Q_3= 3N/4 =frac 3354=74.25, class 30-32 D_b= aM/10 =frac 57t16=79 ,class 33-35 25 belongs to24-26 Q_k=LB+frac RM/M -cf_bf_Qk D_k=LB+frac RB/16 -f_Bf_kk P_PR= 100/N frac P-LBf_Pl+cf_P Q_3=29.5+ 74.25-64/13 3 D_b=32.5+ 79.2-77/9 P_PR= 100/99 frac 25-23.5103+32 Q_2=29.5+ 10.25/13 3 D_B=32.5+ 2.2/9 3 P_PR=1.01frac 1.5103+32 D_a=32.5+0.7 P_PR=1.015+32 Q_2=29.5+2.4 d_n=33.2 P_PR=1.0137 Q_2=31.9 Therefore, 75% of the class scored less Therefore, 8th decile or 80% of the P_PRapprox 37% than or equal to 31.9. class scored less than or equal to 33.2. Therefore, 36% of the scores are below 25 points ACTIVITY: Determine the percentile ranks of Dennis and Christine. Did they qualify for the college scholarship?