A field is to be fertilized at a cost of $0.07 per square yard. The rectangular part of the field is 125 yd long and the diameter of each semicircle is 40 yd. Find the cost of fertilizing the field.

Answer:The cost of fertilizing the field is [tex]\$437.96[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:we know thatThe area of the figure is equal to the area of the rectangle plus the area of a complete circle (two semicircles)Step 1Find the area of the rectangleThe area of rectangle is equal to[tex]A=LW[/tex]whereL is the length side of rectanglew is the width side of the rectangleIn this problem we have[tex]L=125\ yd[/tex][tex]W=D=40\ yd[/tex]substitute [tex]A=125*40=5,000\ yd^{2}[/tex]Step 2Find the area of the circleThe area of the circle is equal to[tex]A=\pi r^{2}[/tex]wherer is the radius of the circleIn this problem we have[tex]r=40/2=20\ yd[/tex]substitute[tex]A=\pi (20)^{2}=1,256.64\ yd^{2}[/tex]Step 3Find the area of the figureAdds the area of rectangle and the area of the circle[tex]5,000\ yd^{2}+1,256.64\ yd^{2}=6,256.64\ yd^{2}[/tex]Step 4Find the costMultiply the total area by [tex]0.07 \frac{\$}{yd^{2} }[/tex]so[tex]6,256.64*0.07=\$437.96[/tex]
general 6 months ago 9818