A florist is creating centerpieces for an upcoming event later this evening. She has already been working for two hours and has budgeted only 6 hours to create the centerpieces. Each centerpiece takes 15 minutes to make. If x represents the number of centerpieces she makes from now until the event, which inequality represents this situation?120x - 15 ≤ 360120 + 15x ≤ 36015 + 120x < 360120 - 15x < 360

Answer:No inequality given but in my view answer is: x ≥ 16Step-by-step explanation:Given that:Total time = 6 hoursRemaining Time = 6 - 2 hours = 4 hours (40*6 =240 mins)Time required for 1 centerpiece = 15 minsWe have to find inequality for x:Number of centerpieces she makes = x In 240 mins : 240/15 centerpieces can be made                     = 16 centerpiecesIf she works with the same speed or more efficiently the suitable inequality would be: x ≥ 16I hope it will help you!
general 6 months ago 7430