A jet travels 584 miles in 4 hours. At this rate how far could the jet fly in 13 hours?what is the rate of speed of the jet

Answer:The speed at which jet travel is 44.92 miles per hourThe distance cover at 44.92 mph is 583.96 miles  .Step-by-step explanation:Given as :The distance cover by jet = d = 584 milesThe time taken b the jet to cover 584 miles = t = 13 hoursLet The speed at which jet travel = s So, Speed = [tex]\dfrac{\textrm distance}{\textrm time}[/tex]or, s = [tex]\dfrac{\textrm d}{\textrm t}[/tex]Or, s = [tex]\frac{584}{13}[/tex]∴   s = 44.92 mphSo ,  The speed at which jet travel = s = 44.92 miles per hourNow, At The speed of 44.92 mphLet The distance cover at this speed = d' miles And for the distance of d' , the time taken= 13 hoursNow, Distance = Speed × TimeSo, d' = 44.92 mph × 13Or, d' = 583.96 milesSo, the distance cover at 44.92 mph = d' = 583.96 milesHence  The speed at which jet travel is 44.92 miles per hourAnd The distance cover at 44.92 mph is 583.96 miles  . Answer
general 6 months ago 7934