Alexandra has a stand in the marketplace where she sells ground cumin. She has a fixed amount of weekly expenses, and she sells her cumin for $7. 20 per kilogram. If she sells 90 kilograms of cumin, her weekly net profit is $414.-What are Alexandra's weekly expenses?-How much cumin does Alexandra have to sell to cover her weekly expenses?

Answer:Weekly expense = $23432.5 kilogramsStep-by-step explanation:she sells 90 kilograms of cumin, her weekly net profit is $414.she sells her cumin for $7. 20 per kilogram1 kilogram = 7.2090 kilograms = 90 * 7.20=$648Profit = $414So Weekly expense = 648 - profit = 648 - 414=234Weekly expense = $234To find out amount of cumin Alexandra have to sell to cover her weekly expensesDivide weekly expense by 7.20[tex]\frac{234}{7.2} =32.5[/tex]32.5 kilograms to be sold
general 6 months ago 9060