Explain how to estimate the quotient using compatiblenumbers.plz help fast ​

PLEASE MARK BRAINLIEST!Answer:To estimate the quotient, make the fractions "like" fractions. To do this, you need to make the fractions have the same denominator, and turn them into improper fractions. Step-by-step explanation:[tex]27\frac{2}{3} = 27 \frac{20}{30}[/tex][tex]3\frac{9}{10} = 3\frac{27}{30}[/tex]Now the denominators are the same --> they are "like" fractions.[tex]27\frac{20}{30} + 3\frac{27}{30} = ?[/tex][tex]27\frac{20}{30} + 3\frac{27}{30} = (27 + 3) + (\frac{20}{30} + \frac{27}{30})[/tex][tex]27\frac{20}{30} + 3\frac{27}{30} = (30) + (\frac{47}{30})[/tex][tex]27\frac{20}{30} + 3\frac{27}{30} = (30) + (1 \frac{17}{30})[/tex][tex]27\frac{20}{30} + 3\frac{27}{30} = 31 \frac{17}{30}[/tex]Your answer is [tex]31\frac{17}{30}[/tex].I hope this helps!
general 5 months ago 7097