Factor –8x3 – 2x2 – 12x – 3 by grouping. What is the resulting expression?(2x2 – 3)(4x + 1)(–2x2 – 3)(–4x + 1)(2x2 – 3)(–4x + 1)(–2x2 – 3)(4x + 1)

The factors of the expression are [tex]\rm (4x+1)(-2x^2-3)[/tex]How to find factors in the expression?First group the first two terms and the last two terms together respectively.The factors of the expression are given by;[tex]\rm -8x^3 -2x^2 - 12x - 3\\\\-2x^2(4x+1)-3(4x+1)\\\\(4x+1)(-2x^2-3)[/tex]Hence, the factors of the expression are [tex]\rm (4x+1)(-2x^2-3)[/tex].To know more about factors click the link given below.
general 6 months ago 1042