Ella has 0.5 lbs of sugar. How much water should she add to make the following concentrations? Tell Ella how much syrup she will have in each case. 20%, 25% and 1.5% syrup?

Answer:she has to add 32.83 lbs of water and will obtain 32.83 lbs of syrupStep-by-step explanation:Concentration = [ (mass of sugar)/(mass of solution) ] * 100 = mass of solution = mass of sugar * 100 / concentration 1) concentration 20% mass of sugar = 0.5 lbs = mass of solution = mass of sugar * 100 / concentration = 0.5 lbs * 100 / 20 mass of solution = 2,5 lbs mass of water = mass of solution - mass of sugar = 2.5 lbs - 0.5 lbs = 2.0 lbs Answer: she must add 2.0 lbs of water and will obtain 2.5 lbs of syrup 2) concentration 25% Follow the same procedure. mass of solution = 0.5 lbs * 100 / 25 = mass of solution = 2.0 lbs mass of water = 2.0 lbs - 0.5 lbs = 1.5lbs Answer: she has to add 1.5 lbs of water and will obtain 2.0 lbs of syrup 3) Same procedure mass of solution = mass of sugar * 100 / concentration = 0.5 lbs * 100 / 1.5 mass of solution = 33.33 lbs mass of water = 33.33 lbs - 0.5 lbs = 32.83 lbs Answer: she has to add 32.83 lbs of water and will obtain 32.83 lbs of syrupHope it helps
general 6 months ago 5189