HELP ME PLEASE ASAPOne Friday night, a group of friends bought 5 containers of popcorn and 4 granola bars at the movie theatre for $42.50. The next week, the same group of friends bought 3 containers of popcorn and 6 granola bars for $34.50. Let p represent the cost of one container of popcorn. Let g represent the cost of one granola bar. Which system of equations will solve for p and g?A. 5p+4g=34.50 3p+6g=42.50B. 4p+5g=34.50 3p+6g=42.50C. 4p+5g=42.50 6p+3g=34.50D. 5p+4g=42.50 3p+6g=34.50

5p + 4g = 42.5 
3p + 6g = 34.5 

15p + 12g = 127.5 
-6p - 12g = -69 
9p = 58.5 
p = 6.5 
g = 2.5 

popcorn = $6.50 
granola = $2.50
 A is the answer 
general 6 months ago 5003