Mari bought 6 packets of tomato seeds. Eachpacket contained 24 seeds. She planted 1 packetof the seeds, and 15 seeds sprouted.Which statement about the seeds in the remainingpackets is best supported by this information?A No more than 50 sees will sproutB Between 50 and 100 seeds will sproutC At least 100 but no more than 120 seeds willsproutD All 120 seeds will sprout

 Mari bought 6 packages of tomato seeds and each package contains 24 seeds then
 Seeds = (6) * (24) = 144.
 Mari has a total of 144 seeds.
 Mari planted a pack of seeds and has 15 germinated seeds.
 144-24-15 = 105
 Mari then has 105 seeds left.
 C At least 100 but no more than 120 seeds will sprout
general 6 months ago 8932