Penny is planning a trip to Egypt. She has mapped out the expected costs of some different components of her trip, and has compiled them below, including whether the cost is in US dollars ($) or Egyptian pounds (£). Item Cost Currency Plane ticket 3,241.77 £ Passport 65.00 $ Tour guide 494.25 £ International phone card 41.38 $ Hotel reservation 398.26 £ Car rental 644.48 £ If the exchange rate of the US dollar to Egyptian pound is 1:5.3841, how much has Penny currently budgeted for her trip, in US dollars? Round all currencies to two decimal places.

The total amount that Penny has budgeted for her trip to Egypt is £5351.62.What is the total amount budgeted for the trip?The exchange rate is the rate at which one currency is exchanged for another currency.  The total amount that was budgeted by Penny is the sum of the different compoments that she compiled for the trip.Cost of international phone card in Egyptian pound = 41.38 x 5.3841 =£222.79Cost of passport in Egyptian pound = 65 x 5.3841  = £349.97Total cost =  3,241.77 + £222.79 + 494.25 +  £349.97+ 398.26 £ + 644.48 = £5351.62To learn more about exchange rate, please check:
general 6 months ago 5365