PLZ I NEED ASAP! 99 POINTS! 3. Consider this figure of a hexagon.(a) How is the hexagon represented by simpler polygons, and what are the dimensions of each of these simpler polygons?(b) Find the area of the complex polygon.PLZ CLEARLY EXPLAIN PART A, Thats the part I can't figure out, what "Simpler Polygons" are, and how to find their dimensions!Photo attachedCLEAR, QUICK, and EASY answer will have brainliest!

It looks like the [irregular] hexagon has 3 rectangles and 2 triangles within it.
So let's exclude the triangular corners on bottom left and top right for now.
First we have a large rectangle covering most of the upper left of the polygon. 20 ft × 7 ft = 140 sq.ft.
Now we have a rectangle on the bottom right. The width is 11 ft, so take the 7 away from that, 4 ft. × 14 ft. on bottom. 4 ft × 14 ft = 56 sq.ft.
The last small rectangle fits on the right between the 2 other rectangles. It is 24-20 on top/bottom × 7-6 right/left. 4 ft × 1 ft = 4 sq.ft.
Now for the triangles: bottom left is 11-7 × 24-14 = 4 ft × 10 ft. 1/2bh = 1/2×10×4 = 20 sq.ft.
Top right is 24-20 × 11-5 = 4 ft × 6 ft. 1/2bh = 1/2×4×6 = 12 sq.ft.

Add them all together for the total area (A):
A = 140 + 56 + 4 + 20 + 12 = 140+60+32
= 232 sq.ft.

Hope that explains it well Hermione!! ;)
general 6 months ago 9372