The perimeter of one of the rectangular playrooms at Miss Pittypat's Day Care is 72 feet. It's width is 10 feet. What is its area?

Answer:The area of the rectangular playroom is 260 feet² .Step-by-step explanation:Given:The perimeter of the rectangular playroom is 72 feet and it's width is 10 feet.Now, to find its area we need the length .So, putting the formula of perimeter we get it's length:Let the length be l .Perimeter = 2( length + width)[tex]72=2(l+10)[/tex][tex]72=2l+20[/tex]subtracting both sides from 20:[tex]72-20=2l+20-20[/tex][tex]52=2l[/tex]Dividing both sides by 2:[tex]52\div2=2l\div2[/tex][tex]26=l[/tex]Length is 26 feet.And, to get the area we put the formula of finding the area:[tex]Area=length\times width[/tex][tex]Area=26\times 10[/tex][tex]Area=260[/tex]Therefore, the area of the rectangular playroom is 260 feet² .
general 5 months ago 2782