The stock price for DGY was $66.14 in October. In November the stock had increased by 7 % , but in December the price fell by 7 % . What was the price of DGY stock in December?

To find the price of DGY stock in December, we need to calculate the change in price from November to December.

Let's start by finding the price increase in November. We can do this by multiplying the price in October by the increase percentage:

$$\text{Increase in November} = \text{October price} \times \frac{\text{increase percentage}}{100} = 66.14 \times \frac{7}{100} = 4.6298.$$

Next, we need to calculate the price decrease in December. We can do this by subtracting the decrease percentage from 100% and then subtracting it from the price in November:

$$\text{Decrease in December} = \text{November price} \times \frac{100 - \text{decrease percentage}}{100} = 70.7698 \times \frac{100 - 7}{100} = 65.785.$$

Finally, we can find the price of DGY stock in December by subtracting the decrease in December from the price in November:

$$\text{December price}=65.82$$

Therefore, the price of DGY stock in December was 65.82 dollars.
general 6 months ago 1416