Which is a characteristic of the line that passes through the points (6, 10) and (12, 7)? The slope is mc015-1.jpg. The slope is mc015-2.jpg. The y-intercept is 7. The y-intercept is 13.

slope of the line is -0.5
y-intercept is 13

The general formula of the linear equation is:
y = mx + c 
where m is the slope and c is the y-intercept

1- getting the slope:
We are given the two points:
(6,10) representing (x1 , y1)
(12,7) representing (x2 , y2)
The slope of the line will be calculated as follows:
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1) = (7-10) / (12-6) = -3/6 = -0.5
The equation of the line now becomes:
y = -0.5x + c

2- getting the value of the y-intercept:
To get the value of the y-intercept (c), we will use any of the given points, substitute in the equation of the line and solve for c. I will use the point (6,10) as follows:
y = -0.5x + c
10 = -0.5(6) + c
10 = -3 + c
c = 13

Based on the above, the equation of the line would be:
y = -0.5x + 13

Hope this helps :)
general 6 months ago 8249