One of the events at the circus starred Gabriella the Human Cannonball. On Saturday she performed in four shows. Shot from a cannon, her distances measured 9.03 meters, 16.61 meters, 18.44 meters, and 21.75 meters. What was the total distance Gabriella flew that day? A. 62.43 meters B. 64.03 meters C. 63.73 meters D. 65.83 meters

The correct answer is:  [D]:  " 65.83 m " .
   21 . 75  m 
   18 . 44  m 
+ 16.  61   m
    9.  03   m
  65.  83   m   ;    →  which is:  "Answer choice:  [D]:  " 65.83 m " .
general 6 months ago 6581