two friends at work at different companies, P and S. Both complanies use the number of hours that an employee's vacation hours. The relationship between the number of hours worked and the number of vacation hours for employees at each company is shown in the table below. which statement describes the difference in each friends vacation if both work 2,080 hours.

We can represent each company's graph by the following equations

V = (0.04)*H...............(Company P)

V = (0.06)*H...............(Company S)

(V represents the vacation hours and H the hours worked)

If both work 2080 hours

V1 = (0.04)*(2080) = 83.2 vacation hours..............(Company P)

V2 = (0.06)*(2080) = 124.8 vacation hours ..............(Company S)

124.8 - 83.2 = 41.6 hours

The friend at company S will have about 42 more vacation hours that the friend at company P

general 6 months ago 5235