What is the value of the expression given below (8-3i) - (8-3i)(8+8i)

At first let's multiply the second terms of the given expression. So, (8-3i)(8+8i) = 8*8 +8*8i - 3i*8 -3i*8i = 64 + 64i -24i -24i^2 (By multiplying) = 64 +40i -24*(-1) (Adding the like terms and i^2=1) =64 +40i +24 (Since (-24)*(-1)= +24) = 88+40i (Adding the like terms).Now the original equation is :(8-3i) - (8-3i)(8+8i) = (8-3i)-(88+40i) =8 - 3i -88 -40i =(8-88)-3i -40i (By grouping the like terms) =-80 -43i (Combine the like terms).So, the value of the given expression is -80 -43i.
general 6 months ago 9146