Which could be a conditional relative frequency table ???

Answer:The table that represents the conditional relative frequency is:                            A                B                TotalC                        0.25           0.75             1.0D                        0.35           0.65             1.0 Total                 0.30           0.70              1.0Step-by-step explanation:We know that a conditional relative frequency table is one: In which the entries in each row is divided by the row total .                         ORIn which the entries in each column is divided by the column total.i.e. the frequency or quantity of an item is being compared either to row or to the column total.Hence, from the given options, the table that represent the conditional relative frequency is:                            A                B                TotalC                        0.25           0.75             1.0D                        0.35           0.65             1.0 Total                 0.30           0.70              1.0  
general 6 months ago 6660