X+ 3/4 ≥ -1/3Can I get help with this I need the work and answer.

Solving this inequality is similar to solving a regular equation. The only thing you need to worry about with inequalities is that when you are dividing or multiplying by a negative number, you must flip the inequality sign. You won't have to worry about that here!

You are told x + 3/4 ≥ -1/3. Isolate the x by subtracting 3/4 from both sides. To subtract fractions, find a common denominator on both fractions, subtract the numerators, put the difference over the common denominator, and simplify if needed. The common denominator between [tex] \frac{3}{4} [/tex] and [tex]- \frac{1}{3} [/tex] is 12.
1) To make the denominator of [tex] \frac{3}{4} [/tex], 12, multiply it by 3/3 (aka 1):
[tex]\frac{3}{4} \times \frac{3}{3} = \frac{9}{12} [/tex]

2) To make the denominator of [tex]- \frac{1}{3} [/tex], 12, multiply it by 4/4:
[tex]- \frac{1}{3} \times \frac{4}{4} = -\frac{4}{12} [/tex]

3) Subtract the fractions to find the inequality for x:
[tex]x + \frac{3}{4} \geq - \frac{1}{3}\\ x + \frac{9}{12} \geq -\frac{4}{12}\\ x \geq -\frac{4}{12} - \frac{9}{12} \\ x \geq -\frac{13}{12} [/tex]

You answer is x ≥ -13/12, or if you want to make -13/12 a mixed number, x ≥ [tex]-1 \frac{1}{12} [/tex].
general 6 months ago 6104