A food manufacturer specifies that every family-size box of cereal should have a net weight of 25 ounces, with a tolerance of 1.2 ounces. Write an absolute value equation that can be used to find the minimum and maximum weights in ounces of the family-size cereal box

Answer:an absolute value equation to determine the minimum and maximum value should be: | Real net Weight - specified  net weight | = ToleranceStep-by-step explanation:an absolute value equation to determine the minimum and maximum value should be:| Real net Weight - specified  net weight | = Tolerancetherefore we have 2 scenarios:when  (Real net Weight -Specified  net weight)  >0 and | Specified  net weight - Real net Weight | = Tolerance  → then Real net Weight= Maximum weightTherefore| Maximum weight- specified  net weight | = ToleranceMaximum weight- specified  net weight = ToleranceMaximum weight = specified  net weight + Tolerancewhen  (Real net Weight -Specified  net weight)  <0 and | Specified  net weight - Real net Weight | = Tolerance  → then Real net Weight= Minimum weightthusTherefore| Minimum weight- specified  net weight | = Tolerance-(Minimum weight- specified  net weight) = Tolerance-Minimum weight + specified  net weight = ToleranceMinimum weight = specified  net weight - Tolerance
general 6 months ago 1850