worth 30 points please help me !! quick!Ashad is rewriting the expression 28a+36b as a product. Which statements about the expression are accurate and relevant to his rewriting the expression? Check all that apply.The GCF of the numbers in each term in the expression is 2.The GCF of the numbers in each term in the expression is 4.The GCF of the variables in each term in the expression is a.The GCF of the variables in each term in the expression is ab.The factored form of the expression is 2a(14a+18ab).The factored form of the expression is 2ab(14+18).The factored form of the expression is 4a(7+9b).The factored form of the expression is 4ab(7+9).

The GCF of the numbers in each term in the expression is 4
The GCF of the variables in each term in the expression is a
The factored form of the expression is 4a(7+9b)
general 6 months ago 6398