Write an equation of the line passing through each of the following pairs of points.a) (−10, 4), (2, −5)b) (5, 7), (−6, −3)

a) First find the slope of the two coordinates given.

Slope = y2 - y1 / x2 - x1

Substitute the values of the coordinates. It doesn't matter which coordinate is x1 or x2 as long as thereby value corresponds.

Slope = -5 - 4 / 2 - (-10)

Slope = -9 / 12

Slope = -3/4

Then, plug in either of the coordinates into the equation of a line.

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

y - 4 = -3/4(x - (-10)

y - 4 = -3/4(x + 10)

y - 4 = -3/4x - 7.5

y = -3/4x - 3.5

Check if using the other coordinate makes a difference.

y - (-5) = -3/4(x - 2)

y + 5 = -3/4x + 1.5

y = -3/4x - 3.5

The equation of a line for these coordinates is:

y = -3/4x - 3.5

2) Just apply the same concept for the second one :)
general 6 months ago 3810